August Change Day 2024

Thank you for participating in the public comment period for August Change Day 2024, which ran from February 28 to March 29, 2024. We valued your engagement with the various opportunities, including a virtual public meeting held on March 13. The Public Involvement Report details feedback and the proposed changes, which will be implemented starting on August 18, 2024.

Proposed Changes for August 2024 Final Changes for August 2024
UVX fare implementation Regular fare will be implemented on UVX.
Reduced fare expanded income eligibility Income-based reduced-fare eligibility will be expanded to 200% federal poverty level.
FAREPAY Card 20% discount elimination The 20% discount on FAREPAY Cards will be eliminated.
Fare capping implementation A new fare capping program will be implemented on FAREPAY Cards, setting a daily maximum fare.
Routes 39, 201, 218 Routes 39, 201, and 218 will remain at their current level of service for August 2024 Change Day.
Route 606 Route 606 will be discontinued on August 2024 Change Day.

Title VI Equity Analysis Approval
On May 22, the Board of Trustees approved the UTA August 2024 Title VI Equity Analysis, performed in accordance with the Federal Transit Administration’s Circular 4702.1B. This process aims to ensure that service and fare changes do not disproportionately impact minority or low-income populations, upholding our commitment to equitable service delivery without discrimination based on race, color, or national origin.

Outreach and Education
Leading up to August Change Day, UTA will conduct outreach and education efforts to inform communities within our service area about the upcoming changes. We aim to ensure that all riders are well-informed and prepared for these updates.

Please continue to check back for more information leading up to change day on August 18, 2024.

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