What is ReConnect?

  • The UTA ReConnect Program provides demand-responsive mobility solutions using Transportation Network Companies (TNCs), including Lyft, Uber, and Yellow Cab. The primary goal of this program is to provide immediate transportation solutions to stranded customers using TNC providers when UTA services have unplanned operational disruptions, delays, and detours. Potential reasons for a ReConnect include (but are not limited to) service delays, missed trips, pass-by, unplanned detours, UTA On Demand seat unavailability, vehicle breakdown, and accidents.

How does the program work?

  • Riders can contact customer service by calling (801-RIDE-UTA) to report a service issue or get additional information regarding delays. The customer service agent will determine what other service options are available to you. If there are delays of more than 15 minutes, a ReConnect voucher may be offered. You will be offered a choice between Lyft, Uber, or Yellow Cab/Ute Cab.

How do I use the voucher?

  • For Lyft and Uber, you will need the apps installed on your phone. See https://www.lyft.com/rider or https://www.uber.com/us/en/ride/ You will provide the UTA customer service agent with the phone number associated with you Lyft or Uber app. The voucher will then be sent directly to your phone (see the payment section in the Lyft or Uber app). The voucher will automatically be applied when you book the trip. For Yellow Cab, ReConnect trips will be booked over the phone. Vouchers are only valid in UTA’s service area.

I received a message with a Lyft or Uber voucher from UTA’s service alert system. How do I use it?

  • In the case of a major service disruption, such as significant delays on the rail system, UTA may send out a ReConnect voucher through the service alert system. This voucher will only be useable from the affected stations/areas indicated in the message. To use the voucher, copy the code from the message and input it into the payment section of Lyft or Uber.

What if I don’t have a smartphone?

  • If you are offered a ReConnect voucher, let the agent know that you do not have a smartphone. They can connect you with Yellow Cab’s 24-hour dispatch center, which can book a ReConnect trip over the phone.

What if I need a wheelchair-accessible vehicle?

  • If you are offered a ReConnect voucher, let the agent know that you need a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. They can connect you with Yellow Cab, which has a dedicated fleet of wheelchair-accessible vehicles.

What if I have an issue with the Lyft or Uber app?

  • Please contact Lyft or Uber directly for any questions or concerns with their service or apps.

Note: This a complementary program issued at the discretion of UTA customer service. If alternative service options are available, a ReConnect will not be offered. Additionally, ReConnect is not available at times or in locations where UTA’s service does not operate. UTA monitors the program for fraud and reserves the right to remove riders from ReConnect eligibility.

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